
Imperial College London is a thriving hub of forward-thinking and innovative experts in areas spanning the diverse nature of the nanotechnology industry from power generation and energy storage to regenerative medicine and pharmaceuticals.

The applications of nanotechnology are numerous and diverse. Our consultants have expertise in a number of areas including nanofiltration systems for safe water, understanding nanotoxicology for safe drug delivery and the development of nanostructured materials for photovoltaic devices.


We have expertise and capabilities to develop and test nanomaterials including:

Nanotechnology in energy and power

Batteries, biofuels, combustion optimisation, fuel cells, low carbon technology, photovoltaics, turbo-chargers, solar driven fuel synthesis, energy storage, sustainable energy and low energy lighting.


Nanotechnology in medicine and biology

Drug design, pharmaceuticals, molecular imaging, biosensors, cosmetics, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, nanotoxicology and biocompatability.


 Advanced materials and fluids expertise

Adhesives, catalysts and catalytic activation, coatings, composites, electronics, functional materials, plasmonics, plastics, photonics, polymers, solvents, semiconductors and sensors.


Access to facilities

Modelling, molecular simulation, experimental design, microscopy, spectroscopy, spectrometry, software analysis, micro and nano – fluidics, finite element analysis, crystallography, characterisation, scanning probe, electrochemistry and thin film deposition.



Whether its testing materials for the next generation of solar cells or developing batteries for energy storage, our consultants are experienced and enthusiastic about applying their world class, research-driven knowledge and expertise in industry, using their understanding of the small scale to make an impact on all scales.

Advisory services

Product design, research methods, data analysis, technology evaluation for investment, technological innovation, patent evaluation, prototype and protocol development, policy, cyber security and more. Assisting museums, writers, film makers and artists to ensure creations scientifically sound.

Expert insight

Membership of Scientific Advisory Boards and Technical Panels, advice and guidance on drug development programmes, thought leadership, conference speakers, literature reviews and provision of foresight.

Analysis and testing

Use of the world-class specialist facilities and technicians at Imperial for projects ranging from aerodynamic measurements and medical imaging to structural testing and analysis.

Our consultants are world-leading experts in their field, committed to on-going research.

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