Healthcare AI

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer massa nulla, tincidunt id magna et, rutrum congue mauris. Nullam a commodo libero, ac pellentesque sapien. Fusce rhoncus urna non risus convallis, et efficitur lorem bibendum. Nulla sed libero posuere, dictum nunc vel, lacinia sem. Donec non mollis massa. Integer ornare sit amet nulla ac consequat. Nullam ut mi sed erat dictum semper sit amet iaculis mi.

Integer magna tortor, ullamcorper at ligula in, ultrices vestibulum sapien. Ut fringilla arcu eu velit blandit vestibulum. Mauris eget magna et purus euismod facilisis. Proin nisi mi, luctus ut pulvinar non, cursus eget sapien. Quisque faucibus vel mi nec tempus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec vel arcu nec mi scelerisque sodales suscipit in metus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut eget consectetur nisl. Vestibulum ornare bibendum justo vitae feugiat. Nam mattis lorem et aliquam lobortis. Suspendisse a est semper, tempor sapien ac, rutrum massa. Ut vitae libero et sem cursus rutrum. Vestibulum id nibh tempor, suscipit felis ut, egestas ligula. Phasellus placerat efficitur sem.

In non massa nec ipsum scelerisque viverra vel ac nisl. Nulla congue mauris id massa aliquam, a fringilla turpis elementum. Pellentesque erat justo, faucibus pulvinar tellus sed, volutpat interdum justo. Mauris cursus, ante in egestas mollis, diam leo varius libero, eu euismod mauris libero euismod lacus. Pellentesque maximus ultricies mauris quis posuere. Etiam leo mauris, feugiat vitae lorem id, placerat rutrum nulla. Integer ullamcorper porttitor augue at ultrices. Praesent efficitur ligula at placerat sodales.

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Webinar: Imaging in the Management of Preterm Birth. 12 noon (UK) June 24

Webinar: Imaging in the Management of Preterm Birth. 12 noon (UK) June 24

Book your place for the second in the “East meets West” Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ultrasound Webinar Series 2021 - supported by Samsung. For general obstetricians, those who specialise in the prevention and management of preterm birth plus sonologists, sonographers and fetal medicine specialists. read more

Prof David Nethercot appointed as assessor to assist Grenfell Tower Inquiry Chairman

Prof David Nethercot appointed as assessor to assist Grenfell Tower Inquiry Chairman

David Nethercot, Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering, has been appointed by the Chairman of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry to assist him in considering technical issues relating to the design and construction of the building and its refurbishment. read more

Professor Simon Taylor-Robinson appears in primetime BBC One health programme

Professor Simon Taylor-Robinson appears in primetime BBC One health programme

“Long Live Britain”, which was broadcast on Monday 5th August 2013 at 9pm on BBC One, documented a record-breaking health screening aimed at challenging the way that we tackle three of Britain’s most dominant preventable diseases. read more

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Paediatric HIV symposium – 20th International AIDS Conference

Paediatric HIV symposium – 20th International AIDS Conference

Our consultants shared their expertise in anti-retroviral drugs, HIV infections/paediatric HIV to help ViiV Healthcare deliver symposia on growing the future leaders in paediatric HIV at the International Aids Conference 2014. read more

Management of pests and vectors of disease

Management of pests and vectors of disease

Helping small-holder farmers with cost-effective techniques to manage pests and vectors of disease, reducing the use of chemical pesticides and promoting the efficiency of natural processes. read more