Events & News
Our experts in action

Press Release: Imperial team join IfM Engage consortium to boost UK semiconductor sector
Team from Imperial join IfM Engage consortium, commissioned by the Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (DSIT), for a study into infrastructure to grow the UK semiconductor industry - and a new strategic coordination function for the sector. read more

Using ultrasound to assess women with pelvic pain, including endometriosis – 23 Sept
ISUOG approved webinar for radiologists, sonographers, gynaecologists, sonologists and trainees providing best practice for using ultrasound for women presenting with pelvic pain and the clinical application of current knowledge on the diagnosis of deep endometriosis. 12 noon UK. read more

Fetal Growth Restriction, all you need to know. 9 Sept.
Live ISUOG approved interactive session by European and Asian experts re the latest on fetal growth restriction. For sonologists, sonographers, obstetricians, specialists in fetal medicine and radiologists.. Starts 10am (UK) read more

Imaging and management of complex MCDA pregnancy – 26 August
Live, ISUOG approved interactive session by European and Asian experts on the latest research on managing complex MCDA twins. For fetal medicine experts, radiologists, obstetricians, sonographers, specialist midwives, neonatologists and trainees in these fields. Starts 12 noon (UK) read more

Webinar: Scar pregnancy & abnormally invasive placenta. 6pm (UK) July 22
Book your place for the third in the “East meets West” Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ultrasound Webinar Series 2021 - supported by Samsung - for sonologists, sonographers, obstetricians, specialists in fetal medicine, radiologists and midwives. read more

Webinar: Imaging in the Management of Preterm Birth. 12 noon (UK) June 24
Book your place for the second in the “East meets West” Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ultrasound Webinar Series 2021 - supported by Samsung. For general obstetricians, those who specialise in the prevention and management of preterm birth plus sonologists, sonographers and fetal medicine specialists. read more
Case studies

Virtual worlds for real-life problems
Our consultants shared their expertise in new media applications in healthcare to help introduce the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center chemotherapy clinic staff and patients to a virtual world equivalent using the open source Second Life application. read more

Neuropathic pain drug development
Our consultants shared their expertise in neuropathic pain area treatments to support Spinifex’s drug discovery and development programs. read more

Imperial College London Diabetes Centre
The Imperial College London Diabetes Centre was established in Abu Dhabi, in 2006, by Mubadala and experts from Imperial to address the demand for diabetes care in the UAE. With continued support from Imperial, the centre now operates three branches across Abu Dhabi and Al Ain and public health initiatives. read more