Business and Finance

We help clients to access bespoke solutions by combining expert knowledge from a range of expertise areas such as big data analytics, advanced mathematical finance and quantitative methods in order to solve the unique problems our clients face.

Our consultants have helped clients with everything from understanding financial market behaviour and how to manage global systemic risks to measures needed to meet challenges when transitioning to a low carbon economy. They have also helped to advance solutions and policies to help healthcare systems, health care providers and payers to provide sustainable safe and effective healthcare.

We have helped clients solve a range of problems:



We have helped clients with for example: Asset pricing, asset management, economic forecasting, financial volatility prediction, derivative trading strategies and economic forecasting, risk management for credit, operational and market settlement risks.



We have helped clients with for example: Mathematical finance, advanced financial modelling and algorithm development, machine learning and high performance computing in finance.



We have helped clients with for example: Business analytics for performance and marketing optimisation.



We have helped clients with for example: Health management training, operations management, organisational change and innovation, payment and incentivisation, advanced health economics and outcomes research competence (HEOR).



We have helped clients with for example: International performance benchmarks of public transport, transport operations and management, transport economics and policy, asset management and economic performance of transport technologies.



We have helped clients with for example: Market forecasting, valuation, financial modelling, regulatory and policy advice and benchmarking.


Whether you need help creating actionable insight in business and finance, advice on measures to face business challenges or help developing policies for system development or change, we can find the right people to help you solve a problem flexibly and responsively.

Advisory services

Product design, research methods, data analysis, technology evaluation for investment, technological innovation, patent evaluation, prototype and protocol development, policy, cyber security and more. Assisting museums, writers, film makers and artists to ensure creations scientifically sound.

Expert insight

Membership of Scientific Advisory Boards and Technical Panels, advice and guidance on drug development programmes, thought leadership, conference speakers, literature reviews and provision of foresight.

Analysis and testing

Use of the world-class specialist facilities and technicians at Imperial for projects ranging from aerodynamic measurements and medical imaging to structural testing and analysis.

Our consultants are world-leading experts in their field, committed to on-going research.

Related Insights

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Fighting misinformation

In the midst of the pandemic, misinformation and misrepresentation is more prevalent than ever, from 5G infrastructure being linked to the spread of the virus, the benefits of use of face masks by the public - to how far the airborne virus can be transmitted, potential 'treatments' and more read more

Life after lockdown: Infrastructure

Life after lockdown: Infrastructure

By making our infrastructure smarter, more resilient and more sustainable we will be better-placed to emerge as a stronger society. It's just requires brave, data-based decisions - and riding the current political and social challenges. read more

Life after lockdown: Transport

Life after lockdown: Transport

COVID-19 has changed everything. Or has it? How can transport companies, commuters and consumers adjust? Planes, trains and automobiles - best practice, e-mobility and air quality discussed. read more

Related case studies

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DISPERSE: Making sense of sound waves

Disperse is an interactive software package for studying guided sound waves in a wide range of structures and components. Its principal applications are the exploitation of guided waves for non destructive evaluation across all industries including aerospace, power generation, and oil and gas. read more

Bio-Inspired Aerial Robotics

Bio-Inspired Aerial Robotics

Dr Mirko Kovac is Director of the Aerial Robotics Laboratory at Imperial College London, and Senior Lecturer in Aero-structures. His research focuses on the development of biologically inspired flying robots for distributed sensing of air and water, search and rescue plus autonomous repair and construction. read more

Shedding light in Madagascar

Shedding light in Madagascar

Our consultants shared their expertise in electronics to help ToughStuff International Ltd. confirm the durability and efficiency of LED circuits used in their solar powered lighting, which is designed to withstand challenging conditions. read more

Latest news

COVID research news shared with international community

COVID research news shared with international community

The Imperial Global Science Policy Forum (IGSPF), attended by 300 delegates from global universities, Embassies, and industry focused on Imperial's role in the international response to the COVID-19 pandemic. read more

LCAworks contributes to Coca-Cola win at the 2010 DuPont packaging awards

LCAworks contributes to Coca-Cola win at the 2010 DuPont packaging awards

The 22nd DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation announced today that The Coca-Cola Company’s innovative new PlantBottle™ has won a gold award for innovation and sustainability. read more

Heathrow’s air quality initiative takes off

Heathrow’s air quality initiative takes off

As Heathrow gears up for a third runway, the airport is taking steps to improve London's air quality. Imperial's Professor Helen ApSimo has been invited to chair a new Heathrow Air Quality Expert Review Group - while as many as 6,000 staff working at Heathrow will be incentivised to acquire low-emission cars. read more