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Press release: MedCity-led university Testing Alliance to offer 20,500 extra daily COVID-19 tests

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The global energy revolution

The global energy revolution

Dr Iain Staffell, Dr Malte Jansen and consultants from e4Tech commissioned by Drax Group to inform the debate on decarbonising the global energy system, evaluating progress and lessons learnt re fossil fuels, clean power, electric vehicles, carbon capture and storage and efficiency read more

The science behind Sci-Fi

The science behind Sci-Fi

When Left Bank Pictures (producers of The Crown and Lost) were looking for someone to give their Sci-fi adventure, ORIGIN, a touch of realism - they called upon Imperial Consultants. Thanks to his previous work with filmmakers, writers and artists, they were introduced to Dr Roberto Trotta, a theoretical cosmologist renowned for taking on the unusual - and gifted in translating ‘science-speak’ into layman’s terms. read more

Professor Simon Taylor-Robinson appears in primetime BBC One health programme

Professor Simon Taylor-Robinson appears in primetime BBC One health programme

“Long Live Britain”, which was broadcast on Monday 5th August 2013 at 9pm on BBC One, documented a record-breaking health screening aimed at challenging the way that we tackle three of Britain’s most dominant preventable diseases. read more