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FREE Congenital Anomalies webinar – ON DEMAND

Watch on demand – Congenital Anomalies – the second in a series of four FREE educational webinars exploring Fetal Medicine.


During the event, we explored the common (and less common) structural, chromosomal and genetic congenital abnormalities.

Our panel discussed ultrasound imaging, presentation of conditions, differential diagnoses, delivery planning and provide insights to postnatal management – and covered the following case studies…
• Neck Mass Case
• Fetal Ascites
• An Adrenal Mass
• Skeletal Dysplasia

There was also specialist input on Clinical Genetics and Paediatric Surgery, a ‘how to’ on optimizing 3D Volumes for diagnostic purposes – and time for questions from the audience too.


Delivered by international experts

  • Christoph Lees, Professor of Obstetrics at Imperial College London, and Consultant at Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, UK
  • Pieter Steensma, Clinical Strategy Leader Ultrasound Women’s Health EMEA, GE HealthCare, Netherlands
  • Dr Medhat Alberry, Senior Attending Physician/ MFM at Sidra Medicine, and Assistant Professor of Obstetrics at Weill Cornell University, Qatar
  • Dr Olivia Barigye, Fetal Maternal Medicine Specialist and Obstetrician Gynaecologist, The Olive Tree Centre for Fetal Care, South Africa
  • Mr Nicholas Alexander, Consultant Neonatal and Paediatric Surgeon, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Trust, UK
  • Dr Jan Cobben, Consultant Clinical and Paediatric Genetics, NW Thames Regional Genetics Service, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, UK


Why register?

  • Discover strategies you can implement in your daily practice to enhance patient care.
  • Each webinar features diagnostic and management case studies (relevant the world over), live interviews and panel discussions – all covering the latest research, techniques and technology. Plus there’ll be Question & Answer sessions too.
  • This webinar series is designed for sonologists, sonographers, obstetricians, specialists in fetal medicine, radiologists, neonatologists, and midwives like you.
  • It’s delivered by Imperial College London’s Professor Christoph Lees, and supported by GE HealthCare.
  • Once registered, you can choose to attend the events LIVE, or simply watch the recordings at your leisure.


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Click to sign up for the series today!


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