Pandemics and privacy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer massa nulla, tincidunt id magna et, rutrum congue mauris. Nullam a commodo libero, ac pellentesque sapien. Fusce rhoncus urna non risus convallis, et efficitur lorem bibendum. Nulla sed libero posuere, dictum nunc vel, lacinia sem. Donec non mollis massa. Integer ornare sit amet nulla ac consequat. Nullam ut mi sed erat dictum semper sit amet iaculis mi.

Integer magna tortor, ullamcorper at ligula in, ultrices vestibulum sapien. Ut fringilla arcu eu velit blandit vestibulum. Mauris eget magna et purus euismod facilisis. Proin nisi mi, luctus ut pulvinar non, cursus eget sapien. Quisque faucibus vel mi nec tempus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec vel arcu nec mi scelerisque sodales suscipit in metus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut eget consectetur nisl. Vestibulum ornare bibendum justo vitae feugiat. Nam mattis lorem et aliquam lobortis. Suspendisse a est semper, tempor sapien ac, rutrum massa. Ut vitae libero et sem cursus rutrum. Vestibulum id nibh tempor, suscipit felis ut, egestas ligula. Phasellus placerat efficitur sem.

In non massa nec ipsum scelerisque viverra vel ac nisl. Nulla congue mauris id massa aliquam, a fringilla turpis elementum. Pellentesque erat justo, faucibus pulvinar tellus sed, volutpat interdum justo. Mauris cursus, ante in egestas mollis, diam leo varius libero, eu euismod mauris libero euismod lacus. Pellentesque maximus ultricies mauris quis posuere. Etiam leo mauris, feugiat vitae lorem id, placerat rutrum nulla. Integer ullamcorper porttitor augue at ultrices. Praesent efficitur ligula at placerat sodales.

Latest news

IPARC awarded Best Pesticide Research & Education Agency – Europe

IPARC awarded Best Pesticide Research & Education Agency – Europe

For over 60 years IPARC has worked to improve crop protection through R&D and training to achieve safer, responsible and more efficient use of pesticides globally. This well-deserved award recognises their huge contribution to research and education. read more

Groundbreaking analysis reveals a fully flexible energy system could cut the cost of reaching net zero by up to £16.7bn a year in 2050

Groundbreaking analysis reveals a fully flexible energy system could cut the cost of reaching net zero by up to £16.7bn a year in 2050

Analysis led by the Carbon Trust and Prof Strbac and supported by Bryt Energy, EDF, Greater London Authority, IGEM, Kiwi Power, Low Carbon Contracts Company, SBM Offshore, SP Energy Networks, Statera Energy, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN), UK Power Networks and Western Power Distribution. read more

Imperial Consultants contribute to novel pain drug success

Imperial Consultants contribute to novel pain drug success

Australian pharmaceutical company, Spinifex Pharmaceuticals (“Spinifex”) has recently presented the clinical development of their lead product at the 14th World Congress of Pain®, highlighting the success of consultancy through Imperial Consultants. read more

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New early warning system for European debt default

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Capco, a global business and technology consultancy dedicated solely to the financial services industry, has today unveiled a new early warning system for European debt default, resulting from a project facilitated by Imperial Consultants. read more

Building a low carbon economy with ICT

Building a low carbon economy with ICT

Our consultants shared their expertise in economics to help Microsoft explore how ICT can play an enabling role in low carbon economies to reduce CO2 emissions. read more