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Prof David Nethercot appointed as assessor to assist Grenfell Tower Inquiry Chairman

Prof David Nethercot appointed as assessor to assist Grenfell Tower Inquiry Chairman

David Nethercot, Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering, has been appointed by the Chairman of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry to assist him in considering technical issues relating to the design and construction of the building and its refurbishment. read more

Press release: MedCity-led university Testing Alliance to offer 20,500 extra daily COVID-19 tests

Press release: MedCity-led university Testing Alliance to offer 20,500 extra daily COVID-19 tests

London’s leading life science and academic institutions have united to respond in an unprecedented way to the coronavirus pandemic by ramping up diagnostic testing capacity for the UK. read more

Fetal Growth Restriction, all you need to know. 9 Sept.

Fetal Growth Restriction, all you need to know. 9 Sept.

Live ISUOG approved interactive session by European and Asian experts re the latest on fetal growth restriction. For sonologists, sonographers, obstetricians, specialists in fetal medicine and radiologists.. Starts 10am (UK) read more