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Prof David Nethercot appointed as assessor to assist Grenfell Tower Inquiry Chairman

Prof David Nethercot appointed as assessor to assist Grenfell Tower Inquiry Chairman

David Nethercot, Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering, has been appointed by the Chairman of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry to assist him in considering technical issues relating to the design and construction of the building and its refurbishment. read more

The global energy revolution

The global energy revolution

Dr Iain Staffell, Dr Malte Jansen and consultants from e4Tech commissioned by Drax Group to inform the debate on decarbonising the global energy system, evaluating progress and lessons learnt re fossil fuels, clean power, electric vehicles, carbon capture and storage and efficiency read more

Tackling London’s air pollution will increase life expectancy of children

Tackling London’s air pollution will increase life expectancy of children

Report by researchers from Environmental Research Group predicts London air quality policies, and wider improvements in air quality, will increase average life expectancy of a child born in London in 2013 by six months. read more